In memory of Sheyling Chang 林瑟玲
1950年3月16日 - 2023年11月9日
Sheyling Chang passed away peacefully the morning of November 9, 2023 on the palliative floor of Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital in Toronto.
She lived her life to the fullest with confidence, kindness, and strength. She moved from Taiwan to the United States to start a family with Lipang Chang and grew that family when they immigrated to Toronto in 1975. They ran several businesses but primarily a variety store all while improving their English, learning about the Canadian culture, and raising three girls. They celebrated 50 years of marriage in July 2023.
She had a strong work ethic and a keen sense of community which was best showcased by her involvement in the North America Taiwanese Women’s Association (NATWA), the World United Formosans for Independence (WUFI), and many other community and charitable organizations.
She also loved to travel, celebrate with friends, and spend time with her family, especially her grandchildren. She loved the arts, dancing, and was skilled at making all kinds of Taiwanese food enjoyed by friends and family. Her compassion, optimism, and smile have always been uplifting to those around her.
Sheyling is predeceased by her sister Charlene. She is survived by her husband Lipang; daughters Ana, Kimberley (Steven), and Cathy (Edgar); grandchildren Emily, Claire, Addison, Alexander, Ethan, Penelope, and Genevieve; mother King-Chih; brother Wen (Nancy); sisters Julia, and Pi-Ling (Y-S Columbus); and brother-in-law Calvin.
In keeping with her wishes, no funeral will be held. She was very grateful for the wonderful care provided by both St Michael’s Hospital and Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital during her stay, and Lipang’s previous rehabilitation. In lieu of flowers, donations in her memory to either of these two institutions would be appreciated.
林瑟玲於 2023年11月9日上午在多倫多 Hennick Bridgepoint 醫院的安寧病房安祥去世。
瑟玲做事認真負責, 熱心社區服務,這在她參與北美洲台灣婦女會(NATWA)、台灣獨立建國聯盟(WUFI)以及許多其他社團和慈善機構中充份表現出來。danre1總會長,盛大舉辦了NATWA首次在美國境外的年會。
瑟玲的妹妹嘉玲先於她去世。瑟玲身後留下夫婿張理邦,女兒 Ana、Kimberley (Steven)、Cathy (Edgar),孫子 Emily、Claire、Addison、Alexander、Ethan、Penelope、Genevieve,母親林金枝,弟弟林文智(程弓圓),妹妹林瑞玲、林碧玲(羅益世),妹婿賀賢敘。